Crip Mac is no stranger to the prospect of a physical exchange, whether it's a prison fight against a rival or a sanctioned celebrity boxing match against the likes of Boskoe100. But his most recent challenger might be the most emotionally daunting of them all because it's his alleged father, Stacy Brookshire. In a recent podcast appearance, the man nicknamed "Messiah the Great" challenged Crip Mac to a fight after denying allegations that he was a deadbeat dad. 

"My whole thing is this, man, my son called me out," Stacy said. "Whatever happened in the past, that's the past...He called me out for a fight [and] I said, 'If you really don't want me to be your daddy no more, beat my a*s. That's all I'm saying." 

There appears to be a fair amount of similarities between Crip Mac and Stacy Brookshire, but it remains to be seen if those commonalities will lead to reconciliation or haymakers being thrown.

Scroll up to watch Crip Mac's dad share his thoughts.

Source: Instagram