Recently, Jess Hilarious spoke about Summer Walker DMing a girl who was wearing Lil Meech’s BMF chain. While on ‘The Breakfast Club,’ Jess came at Lil Meech and claimed the actor’s girlfriend was “doing too much” for sharing the DMs between her and the other woman. From there, she said Lil Meech should continue to allegedly cheat on Walker, saying great music will come out of the situation. Jess Hilarious then said Meech smelled, prompting him to clap back at her.
Meech hopped on Instagram to react to the comedian, saying, “How I stink but this unstable creature @jesshilarious_official in my DMs trying to get chose? I see why you made now 😂 This is a crazy world we live in.” Meech then posted screenshots of Jess Hilarious in his DMs from 2021, saying, “I’m so proud of you!!” before firing off another message asking Meech, “Hey are you still in Baltimore?”
Summer Walker also reacted to Jess Hilarious, saying, “That’s so sad. Thirsty a** girl must have caught amnesia.. worried about my dm’s [and] forgot about these.”