Fourteen years ago, Warner Bros. Pictures released a trailer for the first installment of The Hangover. Mike Tyson starred in the clip as he could be seen singing along to "In the Air Tonight"  by Phil Collins before slugging Zach Galifianakis's character in the face. The moment served as a great prelude for a movie that would go on to become a cult classic. It also jumpstarted Mike Tyson's acting career.

On Thursday, Peso Pluma's marketing team took a page out of Warner Bro. Pictures' playbook by dropping a promo for his third studio album (Génesis) starring Mike Tyson. Much like The Hangover trailer from 2009, Tyson could be seen grooving to the music. But this time around, the former undisputed heavyweight champion of professional boxing added a little more physical comedy to his performance. 

In April, Peso Pluma surpassed Bad Bunny as Latin America's most streamed recording artist. Génesis was released on Thursday. Scroll up to watch Mike Tyson dance to the new music.

Source: YouTube