According to studies, the average person washes/changes their pillowcases and bed sheets about once a month. But dermatologists have ascertained that people should wash their bedding and pillow shams at least twice a week. That's because upon conducting an experiment, a skin-crawling discovery was made: Every week that a pillowcase goes unwashed, the amount of bacteria colonies that emerge is nearly 17,000 times the number of germs on a toilet seat. The study was managed by Amerisleep, a mattress company based in America. An excerpt from the study stated, “After one week, pillowcases and sheets contain between three million and five million CFUs (colony-forming units [of bacteria]) per square inch." The study also read, "Pillowcases washed a week ago have over 17 thousand times the number of bacteria as a toilet seat.”

To put the study further into perspective, your computer's keyboard contains about three times the amount of germs than the bacteria found on your toilet seat, your phone contains ten times more germs than your toilet seat, and your kitchen sink also has more germs than your toilet seat (and garbage can).

Source: Instagram