Nardwuar is known for getting celebrities to admit to little-known facts about themselves during his interview, including Snoop Dogg, who shared a story about a giant roach he once lived with. 

Nardwuar first asked Snoop, "Did you one time have a roach?" Snoop then naturally referred to the joint in his hand. Nardwuar followed up by clarifying that he was talking about the insect, which led to Snoop telling the wild story about "Gooch." 

Snoop explained, "Oh yeah! Gooch used to live with me. In my apartment, I had a roach that we couldn’t kill. We tried to kill the motherf***er when we first moved in, and he wouldn’t die, so we called him “The Gooch,” and he just kept getting bigger and bigger. I stayed in that apartment for about 6-7 months, cuz grew to the size of about…a whole dollar bill." 

Snoop added, "We use to give him food and everything."