According to a former juror who served in the YNW Melly double-murder trial, despite the case ending in a mistrial, a majority of the jurors wanted to convict the rapper.
The juror blamed the mistrial on one woman who served on the jury and claimed she was determined to find Melly not guilty.
“From day one, she had issues with the foreperson selected, at one point crossing her arms and saying she was ‘Done!’ When another juror asked to not shut down and set her feelings aside, she exploded ... She was explosive, manipulative, she was rude, she yelled insults at anyone who had a different opinion," the former juror revealed. "She was there to cause chaos."
“Then, she came over and announced to the group that they had changed their minds, but when another juror asked why she was speaking for them, she exploded,” hurling gay slurs at the man the former juror added.
The former juror said they came forward to refute YNW Melly's mother's comments that the jury was deadlocked at 9-3 in favor of acquittal. In actuality, the former juror said it was the opposite with 9-3 in favor of a guilty verdict.
“That’s just not true. I don’t want someone out there changing my vote,” the former juror said. “You tell a lie enough and it becomes the truth.”