Dwight Howard is the latest guest on Math Hoffa's "My Expert Opinion" podcast, and he was asked about playing with Kobe Bryant and LeBron James. Howard played with Kobe in 2012-13 after the Orlando Magic traded him to Los Angeles, and he played with LeBron for two seasons, including the team's championship season in 2019-20. 

When it comes to LeBron, Howard spoke about his former teammate in a positive light, stating, "LeBron almost acts like somebody from the southside in Georgia. We acted kinda like twins -- joking, silly, having a good time. We'd get on the court, and we're still gonna have a good time, but we'd dominate."

While he had a great time bonding with LeBron, Howard admitted that Kobe was the opposite. He explained, "Kobe ain't bulls--tting with nobody," Howard said. "He might not come in the locker room and talk. Everybody is like, 'So he's gonna walk all the way past us, not dap anybody up, give a head nod, or nothing?' He would just walk past us. That's just how he would come in."