About 30 years ago, Tyler Perry premiered his first play, I Know I've Been Changed while working several odd jobs to fund his venture. He has since parlayed his work as a playwright, screenwriter, and author into an empire that includes Tyler Perry Studios in Atlanta. Perry is on a shortlist of American American billionaires, along with Oprah Winfrey, Michael Jordan, and Bob Johnson--the founder of BET. A few months ago, Perry embarked on perhaps his most ambitious endeavor when he aimed to purchase BET (which includes platform BET+, BET Studios, and VH-1) from Paramount. 

Paramount's asking price for the BET Media Group was $3 billion but Tyler Perry offered $2 billion instead. Therefore, after months of negotiations, Paramount declined Perry's offer. Instead, they will remain in majority ownership, while Perry will keep his minority stake.

Source: NY Post