50 Cent has made quite the mark in television and film with his ‘Power’ series spawning multiple successful spinoffs. The rapper-turned-TV showrunner has also seen success in movies, in front of and behind the camera. In a new interview, 50 spoke about fears of becoming a one-hit wonder in television. 

While speaking to Brian J. Roberts for an interview, 50 said, “Producing a hit is not enough for me.” He then explained: “When I got one, I’m cringing to get the next one. While ‘Power’s working by itself, I go do ‘The Oath’ on Sony Crackle, right, just to have something else. It’s just ’cause I needed something else there — if not, you a one-hit-wonder. I’m scared of that s**t.”

Watch above at the 43:39 mark. 

source: Brian J. Roberts