During a recent interview on Cam Capone News, King Yella shared his experiences in jail and offered a glimpse into life behind bars. While this individual emphasized that they personally didn't face any major hardships, they acknowledged the fear and uncertainty that comes with being incarcerated.

King Yella mentioned that they were GD during their time in jail, which provided some protection and a support system. Additionally, King Yella recalled witnessing incidents where others were mistreated or targeted. In particular, tensions between rival gangs occasionally escalated, leading to heated exchanges and even physical altercations. 

King Yella also shared his relief at not being placed in a specific section of the jail where rival gang members were housed. He was asked about seeing Boss Top in jail in 2016, and King Yella recalled Boss Top telling him that he was going to "roll" him. You can hear the full story above.

Source: Youtube