In a recent interview on No Jumper, Shawn Cotton and his guest discussed the aftermath of his fight with Sauce Wood Winnin, and he shared his perspectives on the experience. Despite losing the fight, Shawn expressed that it hit differently and he reminded everyone that winning and losing are part of life. He emphasized that he is not defined by his losses and that he continues to win in other aspects of life.

Shawn also mentioned that he is continuously trying new things and pushing his boundaries to avoid getting bored. The conversation delved into the boxing match, with Shawn admitting that he had only been training for seven months and had limited fighting experience.

However, he acknowledged that the fight made him stronger and motivated him to improve his skills. The guest praised Shawn's competitiveness and ability to handle the situation with maturity. Overall, the interview shed light on Shawn's perspective and showcased his determination to learn and grow from the fight.

Source: Youtube