According to reports, rapper Hurricane Chris is considering a lawsuit against the Shreveport Police Department for negligence in their investigation of the scene of his June 2020 incident where he took the life of a man attempting to rob him. 

Hurricane Chris points out that the police department's lack of attention to detail led to a more challenging legal battle on his end that cost him over a million dollars in potential earnings. 

"The police really failed to investigate my case," Chris told TMZ. "Everybody on the scene understood what happened, but when the detective got me downtown and started questioning me, [it] started off with, 'Hey, you had a song on the radio, right?' And then, from there, everything went downhill." 

He continued, "I didn't stand a chance. I lost over $1.4 million. I had a movie deal coming up. I signed to an acting agency before I was arrested. I lost the deal with the acting agency, one of the biggest agencies in Louisiana."