In 1937, the city of Miami and the Public Works Administration opened an apartment complex called Liberty Square located at Martin Luther King Blvd to provide African Americans with low-income housing. By the time the 1980s rolled around, locals nicknamed the infamous apartment complex in Liberty City (a neighborhood of Miami) the 'Pork N' Beans Projects.' The origin of the nickname remains highly debated to this very day, but one that is well-documented is the history of gang activity and murder rates. In 2012, the brutal slaying of Phillip Arthur on Christmas Eve promoted city officials to announce plans that would see the Pork N' Beans projects demolished in favor of a brand new complex for local residents. 

In recent years, the area has attracted fanfare from tourists, similar to O-Block in Chicago. This week, a video surfaced of a group of people being escorted around the Pork N' Beans projects during a tour. 

Scroll up and press play to watch.

Source: Instagram