In a major crackdown on Long Island, a three-month long investigation has led to the arrest of 30 individuals on various charges relating to drugs and gang activity. This case has prompted Suffolk County prosecutors to urge New York State lawmakers to create a "Death by Dealer" law, which would allow felony homicide charges in deadly drug cases.
One devastating aspect of this case is the death of a young woman who died after ingesting fentanyl laced with a tranquilizer. The parents of Michelle, Mary Thomas and an unnamed father, stood beside Suffolk County District Attorney Ray Tierney during the announcement of the arrests. They emphasized the struggle of losing a child and expressed frustration towards the dealers responsible for their daughter's death.
The quantities of drugs seized during the bust were staggering, including cocaine and 763 grams of fentanyl, which is enough to potentially kill over 380,000 people. Fentanyl has been a major culprit in the rising number of overdose deaths in Suffolk County, with 399 deaths attributed to fentanyl overdoses last year.
While the two men who sold Michelle the deadly drugs have been arrested, they have not been charged with "Death by Dealer" as New York State lacks this specific statute.
Source: Youtube