A Riverside Sheriff's Deputy with alleged ties to the Mexican drug cartel has been charged by federal prosecutors with trafficking enough fentanyl pills to kill nearly all 2.458 million residents of Riverside County. Law enforcement previously discovered a million fentanyl pills (104 pounds) inside a deputy vehicle belonging to Jorge Oceguera-Rocha. Hence, the 25-year-old is accused of possessing controlled substances for sale, along with sentence-enhancing allegations of perpetrating a drug-related offense while armed. 

On Tuesday, Oceguera-Rocha pleaded not guilty before a judge at the Riverside County Superior Court. The declaration from the case stated, "Oceguera-Rocha conducts narcotics-related activity in concert with the Mexican Cartel, and due to the nature of this relationship, it is presumed that Oceguera-Rocha has access to large quantities of narcotics as well."

For more on this story, stay tuned.

Source: Instagram