In a terrifying incident, a couple was recently robbed at gunpoint after being followed by four men from an ATM in Katy. This type of criminal activity, known as "jugging," involves criminals targeting victims who have just withdrawn cash from ATMs. What makes this incident particularly alarming is that these men are now believed to be part of a larger criminal organization. In a bid to uncover more details, the violent crimes unit has been investigating similar incidents throughout Harris County.
The four suspects, ranging from 17 to 30 years old, have been identified as Marvin Roo, Keon Reed, Jarvis Sylvester, and Ralph Speech. Court records reveal that they drove to multiple banks, specifically seeking out individuals carrying large amounts of cash. Armed with ski masks, binoculars, a handgun, and a cell phone, the suspects meticulously planned their robberies.
On August 22nd, the victims were followed from a Wells Fargo Bank to a nearby gas station, where they were robbed at gunpoint. The woman, who is too shaken up to speak publicly, recounted that she and her husband had visited the ATM before heading to breakfast. Unbeknownst to them, they were being followed. At the gas station, two of the men approached them and demanded money. The woman's husband retaliated by spraying them with the gas pump, but one of the suspects noticed her in the car. In a brutal act, he struck her three times with his gun and forcefully took her wallet. The traumatic incident has had a lasting impact on the couple, with the woman unable to return to work due to her heightened state of fear.
Source: Youtube