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Part 18: Charli Baltimore on Rumor that Stabbing was Due to Jay-Z & "Un" Rivera Love Triangle
Part 16: Charli Baltimore: After Biggie Died, They Wanted Me to Be a Rapping Britney Spears
Part 1: Charli Baltimore: At 15 My Baby Father Pushed Me Down Stairs 8 Months Pregnant


Charli Baltimore discussed the infamous incident in 1999 involving Jay-Z and Lance "Un" Rivera that ended up in a stabbing at a party. Baltimore was signed to Lance Rivera at the time and vehemently denied dating him. She recalled arriving at the party after the incident as everyone was leaving, including Jay-Z. Upon finding Lance Rivera on the ground, he claimed to her, "Jay stabbed me." Lance Rivera, however, has recently stated that Jay-Z didn't stab him, contradicting not only Baltimore's account of his own words from the night but also Jay-Z's account, which confirms he did commit the act. Baltimore expressed her confusion about the mixed stories surrounding the incident and questioned why Rivera waited so long to deny Jay-Z's involvement.