In a groundbreaking development, a historic settlement amounting to $12.2 million has been awarded to a former inmate of the Scott County jail in Minneapolis. Terrence Winborn, who suffered severe neglect that nearly cost him his life, will be compensated for the damages he endured. The settlement is the largest of its kind in the history of our state.

Terrence Winborn's ordeal began when he was admitted to the hospital while already experiencing multiple organ failure. His condition deteriorated to such an extent that he eventually had to undergo double amputations of his hands. It was later discovered that the jail staff had waited over 24 hours to drive him to an emergency room, despite him clearly displaying symptoms of a serious illness.

The Robbins Kalin law firm showcased a video clip of Terrence Winborn at a press conference, revealing the physical and emotional toll of his arm amputations. The deliberate indifference shown by the Scott County jail staff allowed a bacterial infection to spread unchecked in his body, leading to life-threatening conditions such as heart attacks, septic shock, gangrene, and other permanent injuries.

Terrence Winborn had been imprisoned on August 27, 2020, for driving while intoxicated. His health rapidly deteriorated while in custody, as he suffered from continuous vomiting and an inability to walk or speak coherently. Despite his worsening condition, the jail failed to promptly notify the State Department of Corrections for two years. This delay prevented any viable investigation, as all the necessary surveillance footage had been deleted in accordance with state law.

The settlement was reached between Scott County, its insurer, the Minnesota County's Intergovernmental Trust, and Terrence Winborn. In a statement, they expressed their hope that the settlement would provide Winborne with the medical care and quality of life assistance that he deserves.

Source: Youtube