Rapper Ralo, who has been incarcerated for over a year on firearm, money laundering, and drug charges, recently shared on Instagram that he will be released from jail in about two weeks, likely to a halfway house to complete the remaining requirements of his eight-year sentence without serving the full prison term. Despite the good news, Ralo's post was bittersweet as he reflected on his friendship with the late rapper Marlo, sharing photos and videos of their time together. 

"Assalamualaikum," Ralo wrote. "Marlo told me not to worry. He was going to be the first person at the gate waiting on me when this s**t over. My release is in two weeks. I know life goes on, but this s**t ain't da same as when we was passing this money around. We was all happy and helping each other. Nowadays, people doing they best to kick others down so they can stand above them. But the only way thats going to happen is if im in my grave with Marlo. I aint going for none strange... #MDC4L #ImHim #KingAkh #FreeRalo #LongLiveMarlo."

Unfortunately, even during his time behind bars, Ralo had to contend with accusations of snitching from other figures in the hip-hop industry, allegations he vehemently denied. Such conflicts are sadly common in the genre, often intertwining with the themes explored in these artists' work. 

Source: Instagram