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Part 3: Dr. Steven Greer on "Illegal Black Budget" Used to Collect & Reconstruct Alien Crafts
Part 1: Dr. Steven Greer on Congress' UFO Hearing: Useless w/o Subpoenas,Whistleblowers Killed


In this clip, Dr. Steven Greer argued that the change in terminology from UFO (Unidentified Flying Object) to UAP (Unexplained Aerial Phenomenon) is part of a psychological warfare aimed at diverting people from the truth. He explained that the objects in question should not be defined as 'aerial' as they've been tracked underwater and in space and that they're not mere 'phenomena' but structured spacecraft. Greer asserts there are two types of UAPs: extraterrestrial vehicles and manmade ones. He claimed that companies have been developing amazing aircraft since the mid-1950s using energy from the quantum vacuum or zero point. According to him, these entities have managed to decode gravity control electromagnetic technology since 1954, a fact he said is unbeknownst to the president and key congressional members.

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