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Part 4: Dr. Steven Greer on the Government Collecting Alien Biologics at UFO Crash Site
Part 2: Dr Steven Greer on UFO vs UAP, Used in Spy Missions,President Doesn't Know About Them
Part 1: Dr. Steven Greer on Congress' UFO Hearing: Useless w/o Subpoenas,Whistleblowers Killed


The US government allegedly possesses confirmed evidence of unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP), according to David Grusch. Based on interviews with 40 different witnesses over four years, Grusch led Defense Department efforts to scrutinize UAP sightings, asserting that there existed a multi-decade Pentagon program to gather and reconstruct crashed UAP. Grusch also claimed that this program evaded congressional oversight through money misappropriation. Dr. Steven Greer discussed this issue further, highlighting the existence of a 'legal black budget,' accessible only by a few in Congress and presidential intelligence, and an 'illegal black budget.' The latter, he suggests, funds the creation of manmade UAP through heavy misappropriation and embezzlement of funds, exemplifying this with the potential cost discrepancy of the B-2 stealth bomber. Greer concluded by stating that operations involving UAP have been run unconstitutionally and illegally since around 1957.

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