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Part 6: FBI Agent Jack Garcia on How He Got "Put on the Books" By the Gambino Crime Family
Part 4: Jack Garcia: The Gambinos Insist on Taking Cases to Trial, The Genovese take Plea Deals
Part 1: Jack Garcia on His Dad Having a High-Level Position for "Mafia-Friendly" Govt. in Cuba
In this clip, former FBI agent Joaquin "Jack" Garcia shared information about his covert operations from the 1990s through the 2000s. One main case mentioned was dealing with the Mexican mob and drug dealers. According to Garcia, Mexican criminals offered to transport cocaine from Colombia in exchange for product rather than cash, and through this relationship, they began expanding their operations into cities like New York and Chicago. He also detailed various methods of money laundering used by criminals, including converting cash into $100 bills, hiding money inside shipped products, and bank transfers. However, bank transfers were not popular due to the risk of a paper trail. The former FBI agent also stated that the facilitation of crime, such as money laundering and buying drugs, was a necessary strategy for the FBI to catch criminals. However, he clarified that they never facilitated evil intentions such as arming criminals with guns.
Interview by: Cavario