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Part 8: Dr. Steven Greer on President Reagan Seeing UFO, Making Speech About Alien Threat
Part 6: Dr. Steven Greer on Why Government is Hiding Alien Technology from the Public
Part 1: Dr. Steven Greer on Congress' UFO Hearing: Useless w/o Subpoenas,Whistleblowers Killed


David Grusch, in a recent Congressional meeting, accused the government of covering up important information regarding extraterrestrial activities, implying direct harm or even death had been caused. In contradiction, a Defense Department spokesman denied any cover-up or information regarding the possession or engineering of extraterrestrial materials. Dr. Steven Greer, however, argued that this denial could be either due to uninformed opinions or manufactured lies. Dr. Greer claimed he has debriefed over 700 firsthand witnesses involved deep within the government and seeks a safe platform for these individuals to inform the public without fear of threat or harm. To some extent, supporting Grusch's allegations, such assertions are often discredited due to their shocking nature. As per Dr. Greer, given plausible deniability, the truth may be wilder than fiction, with a two-pronged overarching agenda to keep innovative technology hidden while portraying outer space as a potential threat.

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