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Part 10: Dr. Steven Greer Shows 3 Alien Photos on His Phone
Part 8: Dr. Steven Greer on President Reagan Seeing UFO, Making Speech About Alien Threat
Part 1: Dr. Steven Greer on Congress' UFO Hearing: Useless w/o Subpoenas,Whistleblowers Killed


Recently, Mexico's Congress claimed to have in their possession a thousand-year-old alien corpse revealed during a UFO hearing. However, critics argue that the supposed alien remains are merely pieces of various different animal bones, including that of a llama and a human, constructed to resemble an alien being. Questions have been raised regarding the symmetrical inconsistencies within the skeletal structure. Dr. Steven Greer, although aware of this supposed evidence for several years, has cited a lack of sufficient genetic studies conducted on the potential extraterrestrial being to confirm its nature. While not dismissing the possibility that the universe could house life forms that resemble the structure, he emphasizes the critical need for substantial evidence before making any conclusive statements.

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