While Dillon Brooks continued to get at LeBron ahead of the Rockets facing off against James' Lakers on Wednesday, LeBron took a different approach. 

LeBron spoke with reporters ahead of the face-off, where he gave Brooks his flowers when asked if he boosted himself by positing himself as LeBron's nemesis. LeBron disagreed, stating, "I think every player that is awarded with a contract is awarded for a reason, and they're worthy of the contract that they get."

Speaking about Brooks' $86 million contract, LeBron added, "So I think in his case, he was worthy of the contract he got. He's put in the work since he came out of Oregon, and that's what Houston found value in and he's here. So no, I think it has nothing to do with that." 

The Rockets ended up beating the Lakers 128-94, with LeBron ending the night with 18 points, six rebounds, and two assists compared to Brooks' five, four, and one.