Chrisean Rock, amid ongoing drama with rapper Blueface, expresses her love for her newborn son, Chrisean Jr. Despite the tumultuous relationship with Blueface, who is currently with Jaidyn Alexis, Chrisean focuses on caring for her child. She recently showcased an iced-out pacifier chain for Junior on Instagram, demonstrating her affection. The unique chain features the inscription "Chrisean Jr." While some may find it a peculiar choice for a baby, Chrisean is known for her taste in iced-out jewelry. The video displays various pieces from her collection, likely influenced by Blueface's renowned affinity for chains and diamonds. Although Junior may not appreciate the pacifier aesthetic until later, Chrisean remains dedicated to her role as a mother.
Chrisean Rock Shows Off Chrisean Jr.'s Iced Out Pacifier
Staff Writer