On Thursday (November 16), Snoop Dogg shared a message to his social media pages, where he revealed that he is "giving up smoke." He didn't provide additional context into his decision, but Snoop added that it was made "after much consideration and conversation with my family."
The move comes as a surprise to many, as Snoop has become the face of cannabis culture over the years. Snoop has no shortage of funny stories about smoking, including the time that Willie Nelson out-smoked him.
Snoop told the story last year, revealing they were both in Amsterdam on 4/20, adding, "So we went back to his hotel room and we was playing dominoes. So Willie had a vape, a joint, I had a blunt and he had a pipe. Me and him were playing dominoes one-on-one, he whipping my a** and I was just getting higher and higher and he keeps passing it to me and I was like, 'This old motherf***er's out-smoking me'. And I'm trying to stop but I can't because I don't want to show no signs of weakness."
Snoop added that they eventually went to KFC, giving Snoop a break. Snoop then hilariously added, "Me and Willie both put our hands in the bucket at the same time and we grabbed the same piece of chicken and I'm looking at Willie and I say, 'It's yours cuz.'"
Source: Instagram