In a tragic incident at Southeast Raleigh High School in North Carolina, a 15-year-old student was fatally stabbed by a 14-year-old classmate during a violent brawl inside the school gym. The altercation, caught on camera, also left a second student, aged 16, hospitalized with a non-life-threatening stab wound. Raleigh police chief Estella Patterson, during a press conference, confirmed the unfortunate outcome, stating, "Both victims were transported to an area hospital. Sadly one victim succumbed to his injuries."
The 14-year-old accused of stabbing his peers has been arrested and charged with murder on a juvenile petition. The footage of the fight revealed a face-to-face confrontation between two students, escalating into a larger brawl in the gym. In the midst of the chaos, one of the students appeared to use a sharp object, resulting in the tragic outcome.
The identities of the victims and the suspect have not been released. The alleged stabber's mother, Sherelle McLaughlin, claimed her son was defending himself and suggested he did not bring the knife to school but obtained it during the incident. The school will remain closed on Tuesday as the students cope with the loss, and the district reviews safety protocols. Wake County Superintendent Robert Taylor expressed, "Schools should be a safe haven for our students and staff. What happened here today is unacceptable."