In a recent interview, hip-hop legend KRS-One expressed his frustration with the Grammys' hip-hop 50th tribute. He declined the invite to perform, stating that the Grammys had waited 50 years to finally give hip-hop its proper respect and acknowledgment. KRS-One pointed out the initial disrespect shown towards hip-hop by the Grammys, such as not wanting to televise the hip-hop category and relegating it to the pre-show.

The Grammy's treatment of hip-hop has always been questionable, and KRS-One's stance highlights the ongoing struggle for the genre's recognition. Despite its massive influence and global reach, hip-hop has often been marginalized within the music industry. KRS-One acknowledges that some artists may not have been in favor of boycotting the Grammys, and instead wanted to use the platform to push the message of what hip-hop truly represents.

During his discussion, KRS-One challenges the authenticity of the Grammys' hip-hop tribute, calling out the absence of true hip-hop voices and the lack of a genuine message. You can listen in full above.

Source: Youtube