A congressional staffer allegedly filmed a sexually explicit video in a Senate hearing room, as revealed by footage leaked to the Daily Caller on Friday. The video depicted a nude man engaging in explicit acts, situated within Senate room Hart 216—The Judiciary Room. While the identities of the individuals were unconfirmed, one of the men was publicly identified as Aidan Maese-Czeropski, a staffer for Senator Ben Cardin (D-MD), by Daily Caller chief national correspondent Henry Rodgers.

The video was reportedly shared within a private group for gay men in politics before being leaked to the Daily Caller. Despite the inability to verify the identities, Maese-Czeropski was linked to the explicit content and subsequently accused of shouting "Free Palestine" at Rep. Max Miller (R-OH) on a separate occasion. Maese-Czeropski denied the allegation in a LinkedIn statement, expressing the difficulty of being attacked for his personal life and emphasizing his commitment to his job.

Cardin's Twitter posts faced an influx of comments referencing the explicit video. Rep. Mike Collins (R-GA) criticized Cardin's staff, linking the pornographic incident with the alleged confrontation of a Jewish congressman, Max Miller. Collins juxtaposed photos from the Capitol riots on January 6, 2021, and a screenshot from the Senate porn video, questioning which act of desecration was more severe.

As of now, Cardin's office has not responded to reports surrounding the explicit video incident.

Source: mediaite.com