In Florida, a tragic incident unfolded as a 23-year-old mother, Abrielle Baldwin, was killed by her 14-year-old brother during a family dispute over Christmas gifts. The argument originated while the family was shopping, and the younger brother was upset about receiving fewer gifts than his older sibling. The dispute continued at their grandmother's home, where the 14-year-old threatened to shoot his older brother. The situation escalated, leading the younger teen to threaten Abrielle and her 10-month-old son. Tragically, he shot Abrielle in the chest with a .40 caliber handgun.
Fortunately, the baby, in a carrier, remained unharmed. In response, the 15-year-old brother emerged from the home, shot his younger brother in the stomach, and fled the scene. The 14-year-old, hospitalized in stable condition, will face charges once released, while the 15-year-old has been arrested and charged with attempted first-degree murder and evidence tampering. Prosecutors will decide whether the 14-year-old should be charged as an adult for his sister's killing.