Dr. Umar Johnson recently drew backlash for saying that Eminem could never be the GOAT rapper because he's white, and he addressed the criticism on Instagram Live.

Dr. Umar gave Eminem credit for being a great artist and producer, but he clarified that any non-African person can't be the greatest at any Black art form. He stated, "I said that no non-African can ever be the best of anything in African culture. You can't be the best cook of African food, you can't be the best rapper of African hip-hop, you can't be the best singer, you can't be the best priest of African culture. Nothing we create can a non-African be the best at. First of all. It makes absolutely no sense at all." 

Dr. Umar added that his comments weren't a personal jab at Eminem, stating, "This is not about Mr. Marshall Mathers, I don't have nothing personal against that man," he concluded. "But from a cultural integrity perspective, haven't they stolen enough from us? Haven't they appropriated enough from us? Haven't they robbed, [stolen], killed, enslaved, lynched, miseducated, mass-incarcerated, politically dominated us enough?" You can hear more above.

Source: X