Chaka Khan recently opened up to Rolling Stone in a full-length interview, where she was asked about being angry at Kanye West sampling "Through the Fire" for his breakout hit song "Through the Wire."
The interviewer asked, "To clarify something, the reason you were annoyed with Kanye West about 'Through the Wire' is that he asked to use your sampled voice, but didn’t make it clear that it’d be sped up, right?"
Chaka then responded, "Yeah. And you know, that was my fault, too, for feeling salty about that in any way. Because if I understood the rap game more completely, like I do now, then that wouldn’t have been a big deal to me." Chaka added, "No, I’m done. Please. I’m not hanging on to any silly grudges."
Chaka previously opened up to VladTV about the sample, calling it an "insult." You can hear her full response here.
Source: Rolling Stone