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Part 29: DL Hughley: If Jesus Saw the White Guy on a Cross He'd Wonder "Who's the Acrobat"?
Part 1: DL Hughley on Diddy Settling with Cassie in 1 Day, Diddy Accused of Trying to Kill Suge


Comedian DL Hughley exchanged views with Vlad on the O.J. Simpson murder case. Referring to Nicole Simpson’s Akita dog, Hughley theorized that the dog's frantic behavior at the crime scene could suggest it recognized the intruder, leading them to infer the suspect was O.J. Simpson. The conversation veered into Vlad's foiled plan of having an interview with O.J., with payment complications cited as the reason the interview fell through. Hughley later expressed regret over his initial support for Simpson's innocence, attributing it to emotional bias. As he matured, he now believes Simpson was guilty. Lastly, he discussed how age has helped him arrive at more thoughtful judgments and objective opinions on high-profile cases.