In recent weeks, a San Francisco restaurant owner and rapper named Chino Yang has found himself at the center of a controversy. Yang released a music video criticizing San Francisco Mayor London Breed, which caught the attention of many due to the upcoming mayoral re-election this fall and the significance of the Asian American vote.

Yang's video, titled "San Francisco, Our Home," is a combination of a love letter to the city and a critique of Mayor Breed's handling of small businesses and the Asian American community. The video expresses frustration over the lack of response Yang received when his restaurant was repeatedly burglarized and vandalized over three years.

However, the rap's critical tone upset some Black community members, including Reverend Amos Brown, president of the San Francisco chapter of the NAACP. Brown called on Yang to repudiate the rap and held a press conference to pressure him to take down the video.

The controversy highlights the political challenges that Mayor Breed is facing as she tries to win a second term. Supporters in the Black community argue that she is being unfairly blamed, while Asian American leaders and community members express frustration over property crimes and attacks targeting elderly Asian residents.

Mayor Breed's office declined to comment on the rap song or Reverend Brown's press conference but highlighted investments in programs for the AAPI community and an 80% decline in hate crimes since 2021.

Source: Youtube