In a shocking incident in Rochester, a man facing a medical emergency was forcibly removed from an ambulance and collapsed on the sidewalk in front of paramedics and police, subsequently passing away two weeks later. The incident, captured on bodycam footage, shows the patient allegedly lunging at paramedics during transport to the hospital on November 30, 2023. The video reveals the EMT telling an officer that the patient needs to be removed from the ambulance. Despite the man's claims of difficulty breathing, he is ordered out of the vehicle and told to wait for another ambulance. After complying, the man collapses on the sidewalk and remains unassisted for over two minutes.
The official cause of death has not been disclosed, and an internal investigation has been initiated by the ambulance provider, American Medical Response, at the request of Rochester Mayor Malik Evans. The New York State Department of Health Bureau of EMS and Trauma Systems has also been called in to investigate. Rochester Police Chief David Smith has initiated an internal investigation as well. Mayor Evans expressed his shock and emphasized the need to understand and prevent such incidents in the future.