Deborah Elizabeth Sawyer, the mother of Doja Cat (Amala Ratna Zandile Dlamini), is seeking a restraining order against her son, Raman Dalithando Dlamini, and is also advocating for her daughter's protection from him. Legal documents filed by Sawyer allege that Raman, aged 30, has subjected both her and Doja Cat to abuse.
TMZ reports incidents of physical abuse, including Doja allegedly having her teeth knocked out by Raman, suffering cuts and bruises, and experiencing the theft and destruction of her property by him. Raman is further accused of engaging in verbal abuse described as "very degrading and demeaning," leading the artist to feel "unsafe and traumatized."
Sawyer claims to have been physically abused and threatened multiple times by Raman over the past year, with the most recent incident occurring earlier this month, according to TMZ. A judge has reportedly granted court-ordered protection to Sawyer, pending a hearing for a permanent restraining order. While this is not the first time she has sought such protection, the previous order has expired.
Doja Cat would need to file her own request for legal protection from her brother. As of now, she has not commented on the matter on her Instagram or Twitter.