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Part 13: Teddy Atlas on Predicting Mike Tyson Would Get Disqualified Against Evander Holyfield
Part 11: Teddy Atlas: Call Me a Hater! George Foreman is Greater Than Mike Tyson
Part 1: Teddy Atlas on Tracking Down Man Who Slashed His Face, Needed 400 Stitches


In this clip, Vlad reflected on his interview with Evander Holyfield, who recalled his fight against George Foreman as the hardest he's ever been hit. Holyfield recounted how Foreman's punch had made such an impact that he'd questioned whether his teeth were still intact. More than Foreman's physical strength, Holyfield believes it was his impeccable timing that posed a real challenge. Teddy Atlas provided context to George Foreman's fighting strategy. He elaborated that Foreman's boxing career took a turn for the better once he realized he was in control of his actions during a fight instead of being dictated by external events or opponents. These nuggets of wisdom, Teddy says, hold a mirror to life where individuals are in command of their decisions regardless of the overwhelming circumstances they may face. In essence, Foreman’s ability to grasp this enabled his remarkable comeback in boxing.

Check out Teddy Atlas' YouTube channel: