Ice Cube initially had reservations about creating a sequel to his beloved 1995 stoner comedy film Friday. In the season one finale of the SpringHill show Mavericks with Mav Carter, Cube discussed his foray into acting and screenwriting, which began at the suggestion of John Singleton.

Despite the success of Cube's screenwriting debut with Friday (co-written with DJ Pooh), Cube admitted he felt somewhat pressured into making a sequel. Reflecting on the idea, he said, "I always thought, 'We did a great movie, don't touch it.'" However, Cube acknowledged that his team encouraged him to consider a sequel, and he eventually embraced the idea.

While discussing the making of Next Friday in 2000, Cube revealed, "I'm glad I did it because part two led to part three, led to me meeting Mike Epps and Katt Williams, Terry Crews." However, Cube conceded that if the decision were solely up to him, he "probably wouldn't have" made the film, especially after learning that Chris Tucker didn't want to participate. Nevertheless, Cube expressed gratitude for the push, emphasizing the importance of taking the reins and fully committing to the project.

The Friday film franchise eventually included three installments, with Friday After Next in 2002 and Friday: The Animated Series in 2007. While the original cast didn't participate in the series, Chris Tucker has expressed interest in making a fourth Friday film, stating he would be willing to do it if the project is approached with a commitment to greatness.