Update 01/24/2024 3:33am:

Roda Osman, the Houston woman accused of falsely claiming she was hit in the face with a brick and then charged with theft for collecting over $40,000 through a GoFundMe account, has posted her $10,000 bond. Osman appeared in Harris County court on Tuesday for Theft and completed the bond process. She initially reported being assaulted on Sept. 3, 2023, after refusing to give her number to an unknown man. However, surveillance video contradicted her account, showing a verbal and physical altercation initiated by Osman, hitting the man before he responded with a water bottle. Osman collected funds through GoFundMe under false pretenses, leading to her arrest warrant issued on Jan. 18. She is scheduled to appear in court again on March 5.

Original 09/04/2023 12:27pm:

A woman on social media went viral after she filmed herself after getting hit in the face with a brick for denying a man her phone number. 

Details on the incident are still unclear, but the woman can be seen showing off a knot on the side of her face that she said was caused by a man throwing a rock at her. She then scolds the people in the background for sitting around and watching the incident unfold. 

The woman continued to upload content while she was in the hospital, as he grappled with why a man would retaliate with violence after she rejected him. She also questioned why none of the men standing around defended her after she was attacked. You can check out the full video above.