Michael Jai White addressed a variety of topics in his first VladTV interview of 2024. The actor started off by offering his thoughts on Taraji P. Henson calling out the pay discrepancies that Black actresses face in Hollywood. Michael Jai White empathized with Taraji's stance and revealed his own experiences as a Black actor in show business. He also explained how aspiring and current actors can navigate the landscape before reacting to Katt Williams' viral interview with Shannon Sharpe. On the topic, Michael Jai White responded to Katt referring to Kevin Hart as an 'industry plant.' Later in the interview, he commented on Jonathan Majors' conviction and his remarks about Coretta Scott King. To hear more, check out the full interview above.
EXCLUSIVE: Michael Jai White on Taraji, Jonathan Majors, Aries Spears, Mike Tyson, Tyler Perry (Full Interview)
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