According to witness Philip Schott, around a dozen maggots fell on a woman's head while on a Delta flight, and the source of this disgusting occurrence was revealed to be a dead fish. It turns out that another passenger had smuggled the fish onto the plane in their bag, and as the flight progressed, the maggots emerged.

As can be expected, chaos ensued as the woman tried to fight off the maggots. Schott, who was sitting across the aisle, was shocked and trying to process what was happening. The reaction of the other passengers was immediate, as they pinched their noses in disgust and disbelief.

It is unclear how the bag with the dead fish and maggots made it onto the plane without detection. However, the passenger responsible for this unsettling situation was detained by authorities. Delta had to temporarily halt the flight while a cleaning crew sanitized the aircraft to ensure the maggots were completely eradicated.

Source: Youtube