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Part 23: Trick Daddy: I'm Tired of Black People Playing the Race Card!
Part 21: Trick Daddy on Saying Jay-Z Was Never Greatest Rapper, NY Gave Him Title After BIG Died
Part 1: Trick Daddy on His Mom Having 11 Kids by 10 Men, Dad Also Had 12 Kids
Trick Daddy expressed his displeasure at being mentioned by Uncle Murda in his annual 'Rap Up.' Trick Daddy argued that Uncle Murda should not have involved him in the song, asserting his right to express himself through his own music unhindered by external criticism. Trick Daddy further argued against the use of character assassination and the focusing on one's downfalls in music. The conversation also involved discussions on the concept of "trolling" in hip-hop, with the interview subjects citing examples like 6ix9ine, who they argue often manipulate others into violent actions only to testify against them later. Trick Daddy also touched on the lack of loyalty in the current hip-hop scene and the importance of personal integrity in the industry.