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Part 24: Trick Daddy on Keefe D: Sit Your A** Down for Years & Think About the Dumb S*** You Did
Part 22: Trick Daddy on Uncle Murda Dissing Him on "Rap Up": F*** That N****
Part 1: Trick Daddy on His Mom Having 11 Kids by 10 Men, Dad Also Had 12 Kids
Trick Daddy expressed his exhaustion with what he perceives as an excessive use of the 'race card' among Black people. He urged the Black community to intervene in social issues such as gun violence, rather than blaming racial profiling. Trick Daddy also critiqued an unhealthy obsession with material wealth within his community, warning against irresponsible spending habits that prioritize material possessions over financial stability. He also voiced concerns about the strains put on relationships by societal pressures, advocating for genuine love and care in choosing partners, especially considering the life-long commitment child-rearing brings. The artist further cautioned against falling into the trap of materialistic consumerism fueled by designer brands. Lastly, he underscored the importance of making sound financial decisions, citing an example of making cost-effective travel arrangements. He urged individuals to prioritize financial growth over the illusion of affluence.