In a shocking incident, Chris Kilpatrick, a council member in Center Valley, has resigned after being caught on security video urinating on the door of an LGBTQ club in downtown LA. The footage shows Kilpatrick and his boyfriend urinating on the employee entrance door after allegedly leaving the club with drinks in their hands.
The club manager stated that when he confronted Kilpatrick about the drinks, he was assaulted. Kilpatrick's attorney claims it was self-defense, stating that his client believed he was about to be attacked by the club worker. However, this behavior is not only unacceptable but also reflects poorly on Kilpatrick as a public figure and representative of the community.
The LGBTQ community has been vocal about the incident, expressing their outrage and disappointment in Kilpatrick's actions. Urinating on the door of an LGBTQ club is not only disrespectful but also a targeted act of aggression towards the community.
Source: Youtube