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Part 5: Reggie Wright Jr.: Diddy Cut His Arm Over Suge & BM, Kidada Jones Pregnant When 2Pac Died
Part 3: Reggie Wright Jr. & Mob James on Reggie's Previous Claims That Diddy was Gay
Part 1: Reggie Wright Jr. & Mob James on Reggie Going Viral for Predicting Federal Raids on Diddy


Reggie Wright Jr. discussed Diddy's history of violence and its influence on the federal raid of his homes. Wright admitted he understood why the operation was conducted in the manner it was and referenced incidents such as Diddy allegedly beating a UCLA football coach and his altercation with Steve Stoute. Wright, who has experience with law enforcement himself, pointed out possible special treatment for certain wealthier or high-profile figures. The conversation also touched on racial issues in law enforcement operations, with the suggestion that different approaches are taken based on race, privilege, or wealth. The underlying sentiment of the discussion seemed to be a call for consistency in handling such incidents across all brackets of society.