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Part 25: DJ Vlad Tells Gilbert Arenas: 5WPR is Trash, I Paid Them $20K & Got a Telemundo Interview
Part 23: Gilbert Arenas on Diddy's Legal Troubles Starting After He Sued Diageo Liquors
Part 1: Gilbert Arenas on Paying Diddy $250K to Host Party, Rumor Diddy Fleeing US After Fed Raid


Gilbert Arenas broached a hard truth regarding unpaid exposure in the skilled labor market. Arenas took a tough stance against fellow actors and artists, including Terrence Howard, who complained about not being properly compensated for their work. He emphasized that, especially in the early stages of their careers, individuals may need to accept jobs for far less than they’re worth to gain exposure and progress in their fields. Vlad agreed, noting that he has not been paid for many of his high-profile interviews but recognizes the value that the platforms he appears on can bring in enhancing his personal brand. Both Arenas and Vlad underlined the importance of contractual agreements, acknowledging that while compensation may not be immediately profitable or even fair, it must be honored since it was agreed upon. They also stressed the dangers of becoming bitter over another's success, suggesting it could impede personal growth and success.