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Part 23: Wack100: Mob Piru Poochie Killed Biggie Over East Coast Politics, Eric Von Zip Involved
Part 1: Wack100 on Why Kendrick Beat Drake: All the Backlash is On Drake, No Backlash for Kendrick


Wack100 delved into the complicated legal troubles facing rapper NBA YoungBoy and explained why he remains behind bars despite rumors of bail. According to Wack100, YoungBoy initially faced 63 charges in Utah, which were eventually reduced to around 48, including two gun-related felonies. Despite managing to post a bond of $100,000 in Utah, YoungBoy's problems are far from over due to an existing federal hold related to prior charges in Louisiana. His recent felonies in Utah violated the federal probation conditions, which means he remains under federal custody despite the Utah bond. Amidst these issues, it's speculated that YoungBoy's continuous music releases and merchandise sales have accrued him a staggering $100 million. Despite not touring or heavily promoting his work, YoungBoy's unwavering popularity indicates a unique and robust fanbase, solidifying his status as one of the most influential artists today.