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Part 19: Sebastian Telfair: I'd Rather Sell D**** Than Witness Diddy Abuse
Part 17: Sebastian Telfair on Hooking Rudy Gay Up with a Girl Who Robbed Him for His Chain
Part 1: Sebastian Telfair Disliked Playing for Boston Celtics, Calls Fans A**holes Over Kyrie


Former NBA player Sebastian Telfair discussed a controversial viewpoint on relationships for married NBA players. Reflecting on various dramatic life events, including a shocking legal story involving Eddy Curry's financial and personal struggles, Telfair shared his belief that NBA players might fare better with stable side girlfriends rather than random hookups. He argues that having a consistent relationship outside of marriage could provide emotional stability and lessen the risk of scandalous fallout. Telfair cited examples of teammates who had solid side relationships, implying that these arrangements brought more stability compared to the complications random encounters could invite. His insights stem from witnessing firsthand the tumultuous personal lives of NBA players and their consequences on and off the court.