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Part 12: Gilbert Arenas on BET Awards Honoring OJ: F*** Your Feelings! Your Opinion Doesn't Matter!
Part 10: Gilbert Arenas: Kendrick's "Not Like Us" Video Should've Had a Drake Pedo Scene
Part 1: Gilbert Arenas: Lakers are The GOAT NBA Franchise, Not Celtics


Gilbert Arenas addressed Nick Young’s lingering resentment towards D’Angelo Russell for publicly exposing Young’s infidelities. Vlad drew parallels to his own past experience with a friend who cheated him out of a significant amount of money. Vlad explained how initially he was furious but, over time, realized the friend’s deceit might have inadvertently saved him from prison. Arenas emphasized the importance of seeing the bigger picture, noting that Young's life ultimately improved post-scandal. Arenas pointed out that targeting Russell and harboring ill feelings serves no purpose, especially when Young’s relationship with Iggy Azalea likely was not meant to last, as evidenced by their separate paths thereafter. Gilbert advised Young to view the situation differently and let go of his anger, as it seems both he and Azalea are in better places now. Arenas’ overarching message was encouraging maturity and reflection on unforeseen positive outcomes from seemingly negative events.